Western New York Mensa

Local Activities

Some may find it surprising, but Mensa is a very social organization. Each local group has a number of social events, and Western New York Mensa is no exception. There are a wide variety of activities to choose from, not just intellectual or "highbrow" activities. Each issue of our newsletter, the Mensana, includes a calendar of upcoming events.

Here are a few socials we have featured on our calendar of events:

cards and diceGames Night
Meet at a member's home to play games, eat snacks, and just chat. Participants are asked to bring a snack as well as any favorite games that they would like to play, which can include board games, card games, or just about anything else.
televisionMovie Night
(Fridays or Sundays)
Get together at a member's home to view a DVD, or enjoy a classic movie presentation with a brief history and background before the film.
movie ticketsFirst Friday Art Film
(First Friday of each month)
On the first Friday of each month, a group of Mensans meet to see an art film and then go out to eat afterwards.
ice cream coneIce Cream Social
Meet fellow Mensans for ice cream. Past locations have included Anderson's and Antoinette's. In the summer months, this event is often combined with a walk at a nearby park or bike path, and/or dinner at a restaurant.
Dinner Meeting
This is either a potluck dinner at a member's home, or a dinner meeting at an area restaurant.
coffee mugCoffee Shop Meeting
Join fellow Mensans for drinks and/or dessert at a local coffee shop such as Spot Coffee, Caffe Aroma, or Starbucks.
Bar Meetup

Meet at a bar or restaurant (usually during happy hour) for drinks and/or food.
eight ballBilliards Night
(Saturdays during winter)
Meet at a member's home to play a few games of pool and enjoy some snacks.
kidsGifted Youth Program
Various events for Mensa families, for example board games events, indoor rock-climbing, Science Museum visits, theater visits, movies, picnic, parents' discussion, etc.

We also have some annual events:

pancakesPancake Brunch and Games Afternoon
(Saturday in April or May)
This is an all-day event at a member's home, including a potluck brunch, game playing and socializing.
fireworksFireworks Viewing
(Saturday in July)
On the Saturday closest to the 4th of July, view a fireworks display at a park.
picnicSummer Picnic
(Saturday in July or August)
Classic family-friendly picnic with BBQ and games at a local park.
(Labor Day weekend)
Join fellow Mensans for a few games of bowling at Airport Lanes.
jack o'lanternsOctober Games Night
(Saturday in mid/late October)
Games night with a Halloween theme. Costumes and treats with a spooky theme are welcome.
ThanksgivingThanksgiving Potluck
(Thanksgiving weekend)
Enjoy a delicious potluck dinner and pleasant conversation at a member's home.
partyHoliday Party
(Saturday or Sunday, mid-December)
Enjoy dinner at a banquet hall and participate in a gift swap.
chinese foodJewish Christmas
(December 25th)
For those who don't want to celebrate Christmas the traditional way, or who don't celebrate it at all. Join fellow Mensans for Chinese food and a movie.

But we aren't limited to the events you see listed here. Other events that we have held include lunch meetings, antiquing, and a viewing of Shakespeare in the Park. Keep in mind that all the events you see on the calendar were put there by individual members - so as a member, if there's an activity you'd like to see on the calendar, feel free to suggest it.

Calendar of Events February 2025

BankonBuffalo, 827 Hopkins Road, Amherst. Got smart friends? Family members? Encourage them to let their brilliance shine. There is no provision at this time for walk-ins. Please reserve your seat with Serena via email at srtraquel64@gmail.com. Please purchase a prepaid voucher to pay for the test and bring a printed copy of it or a printed copy of the confirmation email to the testing site. The fee is $60.
hosted by Joe Montante at his residence, 59 Chapin Parkway, corner W. Delavan Ave., Buffalo. RSVP to Joe at (716) 885-1097 (land line) or email josephmontante@yahoo.com. Bring a game (optional) and snack to share. Kitty contribution $1.
is the deadline for March calendar events. Call Joe at (716) 885-1097 or email josephmontante@yahoo.com.
Celebrate Presidents’ Day with this MOVEABLE FEAST at DASH’S MARKET, 1770 Hertel Avenue, Buffalo. We will enjoy lunch and friendship on this holiday Monday. To reserve a spot, call Lynne at (716) 636-0780 by Saturday, February 15.
at FATTEY BEER CO., 1 West Main Street (at the corner of Central Avenue), Lancaster. Come out and enjoy scintillating conversation and perhaps an appetizer or sandwich and maybe a pint to wash it down. Questions? Call Fred Collins at (716) 824-2867. On the day of the event, you can contact Fred on his mobile phone, (716) 868-2705